
  • Read appropriate grade level text aloud with correct pace and expression.
  • Read or demonstrate progress toward reading appropriate grade level text independently.
  • Can read between 92-143 correct words per minute by the end of the year.
  • Learn and use new vocabulary through listening, discussion or reading.
  • Use knowledge of words to determine meaning (examples: homonyms, idioms, roots).
  • Use a thesaurus to determine related words and concepts.
  • Listen to, read and discuss a wide variety of narrative and informational text.
  • Identify key facts and information on a topic after reading several articles or selections.
  • Make and confirm predictions about a text.
  • Distinguish between cause and effect and between fact and opinion in an expository text.
  • Read, listen and respond to a wide variety of literature from a wide variety of cultures and time periods.
  • Compare and contrast various forms of literature (examples: fairytales, fables, myths).
  • Identify the main events in the plot.
  • Use knowledge of the setting and characters to interpret the character’s actions.
  • Define figurative language.
  • Understand author’s purpose.


  • Write using the entire writing process (pre-write, rough draft, revise/edit, publish).
  • Write essays and stories across the curriculum that are well organized, supported by details and description.
  • Write a short informational text.
  • Investigate topics of interest, selecting appropriate resources and showing correct use of resources.
  • Write texts of different modes (narrative, expository, persuasive) and forms (journals, essays, short stories, poems, etc.) across the curriculum that are appropriate to audience and purpose.
  • Use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and penmanship across the curriculum.
  • Use scoring guide to evaluate and revise writing.

 Listening & Speaking

  • Listen critically and respond appropriately to spoken messages and formal presentations.
  • Orally communicate supported ideas across the curriculum using oral, visual and multi-media forms that are appropriate to audience and purpose.
  • Deliver an oral message while demonstrating control of eye contact, volume, rate and expression.
  • Demonstrate the ability to analyze and evaluate information and ideas presented across the curriculum.


Managing Information

  • Use alphabetical and numerical order.
  • Use table of contents, index, glossary, dictionary and thesaurus.
  • Use print encyclopedias.
  • Use charts, illustrations, graphs and diagrams.
  • Understand how to search for items using the library catalog and locate library materials using call numbers.
  • Locate information or research a topic using more than one source.

 Appreciating Literature

  • Identify a story’s sequence of events.
  • Identify cause and effect relationship.
  • Make predictions based on clues.
  • Reach logical conclusions.
  • Distinguish between fact and opinion, fiction and nonfiction.
  • Read and identify characteristics of a variety of genre.
  • Identify where a selection may be located in the library.
  • Read and identify classics and award winning books.
  • Investigate an author’s background in order to understand an author’s motivation.
  • Use the library for selecting recreational reading materials.

Understanding Mass Media

  • Create a media work for a specific purpose.


  • Listen/respond to Scripture.
  • Actively participate in Liturgical and Sacramental celebrations.
  • Participate and lead prayer services.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of Liturgical Seasons and Celebrations.
  • Articulate learning of doctrine and lessons learned.
  • Ask/respond to questions about the Faith.
  • Understand the meaning of having a good conscience and of making good moral choices.
  • Experience and contribute to the building of community at home, in the classroom, in the parish and in the community.
  • Actively participate in prayer experiences using a variety of formats.
  • Engage in role-playing, poems, songs, etc. related to Scripture stories.
  • Articulate a clear understanding of the Church as the Body of Christ.
  • Understand the leadership roles of the Pope and Bishops of the Church.
  • Know the Rite of Reconciliation and participate appropriately.
  • Respond to scenarios of moral dilemmas using guidelines of Faith.
  • Know the stories of the lives of the saints.
  • Memorize the Ten Commandments and the Two Greatest Commandments. · Examine concept of stewardship in the church.
  • Write own prayers.
  • Observe created world to reinforce learning about God and personal relationship to Him.
  • Frequent the sacraments.
  • Know and recite prayers appropriate to grade level.


Calculations & Estimations

  • Read, write, order, model and compare whole numbers to one million, common fractions and decimals to hundredths. · Locate common fractions and decimals on a number line.
  • Determine factors of whole numbers to 100.
  • Multiply a three digit number by a two digit number.
  • Divide a three digit number by a two digit number with or without remainders.
  • Add and subtract commonly used fractions with like denominators and decimals to hundredths.

 Statistics & Probability

  • Determine the median for a set of data.
  • Determine probability of a single event.
  • Understand that the probability of an event can be represented by a number from 0 (impossible) to 1 (certain).
  • Conduct experiments and simulations to determine experimental probability of different outcomes.
  • Represent and interpret data.

Algebraic Relationships

  • Describe, extend and make generalizations about patterns and sequences.
  • Represent and solve open sentences or problems involving numeric equations or inequalities.


  • Select and estimate, using the most appropriate tool and US customary unit to measure length, perimeter, area, weight and volume.
  • Read temperature measurements of thermometers with Fahrenheit and Celsius units.


  • Identify, describe, compare and classify quadrilaterals by their sides and angles.
  • Identify right, acute and obtuse angles in isolation and in geometric figures.
  • Model, sketch, draw and label points, lines, line segments, angles, rays, quadrilaterals and parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines.
  • Build three-dimensional objects and sketch two-dimensional representations of the object.
  • Locate coordinates of points on graph paper, maps, globes and other charts.
  • Predict and describe the results of performing reflections, rotations and translations of quadrilaterals.


Physical Science: understand matter and changes that happen in the physical world.

  • Identify objects (solid, liquid, gas, air).
  • Understand force (speed, direction, magnetism, gravity).
  • Understand energy (sun, fossil fuels, hot, cold).

 Life Science: understand organisms

  • Diagram and label a life cycle.
  • Describe the basic needs of living things.

 Earth & Space Science: identify the structure of the Earth system.

  • Identify the composition of rocks and soil.
  • Understand recycling and its impact to the environment.
  • Understand the effect of weather and natural disasters have on the earth’s surface.
  • Describe Earth’s gravity, moon’s orbit and stars.
  • Understand different qualities of astronomical features in the solar system.


  • Make observations and predictions.
  • Write some sequential steps.
  • Write simple observations.

History & Nature of Science

  • Understand that accurate descriptions help comparisons.
  • Know that new observations may change explanations.
  • Contrast observations and inferences.
  • Ask questions and attempt answers about the world around you.
  • Know the fields of science.


  • Identify body systems and their functions (examples: digestive, nervous, excretory and immune).
  • Identify possible safety hazards at home, school and around the community.
  • List procedures for handling emergencies.
  • Identify personal safety strategies for prevention of potentially violent situations.


Civics & Government

  • Know the branches of state government.
  • Understand how Oregon laws are made.
  • Know how a treaty works.
  • Know ways individuals participate in the democratic process (examples: voting, writing officials, signing petitions).

Economics/ Geography

  • Know the function of money (examples: trade, value of items, saving), distinguish between barter and use of money.
  • Understand that prices rise and fall depending on supply and demand.
  • Recognize that savings are the part of income not spent on goods, services, etc.
  • Know state government provides services through taxation.
  • Label continents of the world on a map.
  • Map physical regions of Oregon.
  • Locate Oregon land features on a map.
  • Use latitude and longitude and estimate distances.
  • Understand ways the environment influences human activities and how humans affect their environment.
  • Identify how geographic factors have influenced Oregon settlement patterns, traveling routes.


  • Create and interpret timelines of people, events and movements in U.S. history.
  • Understand the cause and effect of early European exploration and western migration on Native American populations in Oregon.
  • Identify different types of primary and secondary information sources.
  • Describe social, political and economic changes in Oregon, past and present.

Social Science Analysis

  • Research and compare different points of view on a specific topic or issue from a historical period.
  • Compare possible consequences of two or more solutions for resolving a problem.


  • Identify and use materials tools and techniques to create multistage art and understand the steps and sequences used.
  • Identify different media forms and begin to select appropriate materials, tools and processes to communicate intended idea, experience or story.
  • Develop a basic understanding of the elements and principles of design and begin to identify them in their work.
  • Describe using appropriate technical terms, how different materials, techniques and processes cause different effects and responses.
  • Continue to use art materials and tools in a safe, responsible manner.
  • Reflect and communicate the effectiveness of their own art work verbally and in writing.
  • Identify basic artistic elements and principles (using appropriate technical terms) which can be seen in art works.
  • Identify and describes a variety of forms of art.
  • Identify personal preference and their relationship to artistic elements (i.e. describe why they like or dislike a piece: “I like the way the artist shows speed with use of the line”
  • Explain various purposes for creating works of visual art.
  • Describe ways an art work reflects the artist’s experiences and/or culture.
  • Compare several pieces of art from historical periods and cultures.


  • Perform fitness elements and develop improvement goals.
  • Participate and communicate a positive attitude toward physical activities.
  • Practice consistent behavior of good sportsmanship.
  • Demonstrate cooperation, respect, responsibility, safety and conflict resolution for self and others.